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The Travelling Angel.com LÍVING PÁSSION!
The Travelling Angel guides...

What is Natural Coaching?

I use the term ‘natural coaching’ because it is the best way to describe what I do. My intention is to guide, teach and advice persons, using natural remedies and products as aid to enhance the life and well-being of these individuals that want to “work” themselves.

In order to grow, we need change. And to implement that, we sometimes get confronted with challenges that seem beyond our capacities. Even though we ‘know’ (this is the cognitive part) what we are supposed to ‘do’ (which is the more active and physical part) we are unable to perform! This might lead to frustration, fear, anger, sadness, etc. If you are interested in discovering parts of yourself that were ‘lost’ or ‘suppressed’ during the course of life, I could help you to see or to find what needs healing, in this moment.

The way to do that is to use alternatives that are known to often give spectacular results, especially in the long run. The methods that I use have proven to be very effective in many cases.

Depending how deep you would like to go or how ready you are to make changes in your life, the following therapies can be used and/or experienced:

Card Reading

Mandala drawing (Flower of Life)

All based on Constellation Work


Systemic Work (constellation)

Cranio Sacral (soft, deep treatment)

Energy Work (innovative constellation)

Trauma Healing

In addition of these wonderful treatments I occasionally do:

Energetic Home Cleaning/Real Estate Issues

Advice in Food Supplements (Nature’s Plus products)

Practical Organizing (especially about time)

Financial Advice



The beauty of it all is that I can combine some of these treatments, to offer you the most healing or in the most effective way.

Please let me share with you some of the results that were booked in the years that I experienced these wonderful therapies!


Which and how to choose...